
If you click on the white kitty in the top left corner, she will follow your cursor...

Save A Life

Welcome to my website! Don't be a stranger, stay a while.

Hi there !
You've arrived at SAVE A LIFE! ☆ I'm so glad you made it! . happy browsing. (◠‿◠)

I'm Julie. This is my personal site where I can update on various things happening in my life. I love to read and write so there are tabs dedicated to just that! (book reviews and blog entries) I'm also studying abroad in South Korea so I will be documenting my travel as well. Lastly theres a section just for delisious foods that I eat. MWAH ☆

Saving lives with Saive!

"save a life" is a play on my name Saive which sounds like save. People used to joke with me that if I ever became a doctor my name could be Dr. Saive. I always thought that was so clever! ♪(´▽`)

Current Saive favs to save!

Hang on Sloopy by the Supremes, Notes of a Crodile, sticky dates lush shower combo pow! (smells so good), hairless cats, stray rabbits and stuffed bunnies.

Uhh.. whatever you want!
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